Experienced GP with extended role in sports and musculoskeletal medicine
Running clinics in local GP surgeries .
Running clinics in local GP surgeries .
Dedicated to providing exceptional care in Sports and Musculoskeletal Medicine.
30 years' experience working as a GP with Special Interest and Extended Role, both within primary and secondary care.
Postgraduate qualifications in Sport and Exercise Medicine and in Primary Care Rheumatology.
Member of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (UK).
Extensive experience in the field of Sports and Exercise Medicine with previous clinics at Spire Murrayfield Hospital and local health clubs.
Former Doctor to the England Athletics Team, with International and Commonwealth Games Cover.
Involved in setting up Wirral's successful NHS Orthopaedic Assessment and Treatment Clinic, subsequently the Wirral Intermediate Musculoskeletal Clinic, which ran for many years from 1997.
Currently visiting local GP surgeries to provide in-house medical care of sport and musculoskeletal problems.
See Contact Form for interested GP Surgeries to complete.